~ Aye so right now im am very irratated but im tryin to hold it in caus eim irratated for absolutly no reason ! im just super sleepy i m ready for my friday to start im tired of sitti in this seat, not that i dont wanna be here but its just that when i sit in one spot for a super long time i start to get mad !! yes i got problems that still need to be solved but until they do what you see is what you get !! -Carmese
~ So my weekend bout to consist of going to the con-fest Then hitten up this party bout to have fun with my girl Mikaylea Coy ~~~~ oyea and i got to go get my a lil nn i do mean lil outfit cause im bout to be out here with no worries ~(;
OMG! So i seen this video yesturday I was soo shocked of Miley !!!! but i love this girl so much i dont even care about her past nomore i realize she just didnt want to be an American Sweet Heart any longer and im Okay with that but i love this song ! So click it and you'll probably love it to ~~
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
~ Ok so starting next week im going to start having topics of thhe week which basically is having a different topic every week !!!
MMMMMMMM aint he just sexy !!! I wish I wish he knew me and I knew him and we both was like the same age and we was in love cause that would be a party for me everyday lol <3